Monday, July 30, 2012

REMINDER: The Idisi in The Park-St Louis Park

The Idisi in the Park!

Come and catch The Idisi at St Louis Park's Veterans amphitheater in Wolfe Park
Thursday, Aug 2nd at the Open Mike series.

Show starts at 7pm and goes til about 8pm. One of the last shows of our season and it's FREE!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

An open THANK YOU to the Wyld Chicas


Thank you for a very beautiful, fun, and productive rehearsal last night. There were so many growth spurts, moments of "ahh" and was a delight to my battered heart chakra.

The Scribes will put forth notes soon..just wanted to say that the first chanty- WHOO -ha left me quietly in tears at the end of was such a proud mamma hen moment for me and Goddess smiled in my heart as She held space for us all.

For those who were not physically present, our first chant was for ourselves, as sisters, and encompassed all who Have Been, Are, and Will Be with us in the circle. I hope you all felt that in the Ether.

This has been a very challenging journey for us thus far...pioneering/remembering... how we do this as a circle of circles upon circles of women all over the planet, and thru Time itself.

I never claimed to be the most awesome director /musician...all I can ever do is show up and do my best..and even that is not consistent.I am learning everyday what I think I can do can become real, and how the impossible can happen when I all are a gift.

Last night was a culmination of so many countless hours of time, tears and patience we have all sacrificed, and the yield was so simple and beautiful to moved me to tears.

I hope, on your own paths, and in your circles...your support folks and loved ones see how much growth and beauty resides in each an every one of you...and how the intertwining of The Idisi's path with your soul walk has brought to you some riches and strengths you did not know you well as sisters .

You all glowed last was a thing of such Beauty.

I look forward to singing with you all again soon. To all our sisters who walk in the World...we miss you.

Thank you for sharing your gift of Self with this vision of The Idisi.

Dayna Jean Wolter
The Idisi-Director

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Idisi in the Park!

Come and catch The Idisi at St Louis Park's Veterans amphitheater in Wolfe Park
Thursday, Aug 2nd at the Open Mike series.

Show starts at 7pm and goes til about 8pm. One of the last shows of our season and it's FREE!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Open Audition workshop on Saturday August 11th,2012 11am-6pm
for The Idisi, an unconventional chorus of wyld womyn

The Idisi is a gathering of women intent on singing and opening the world up to the sonic healing, especially that of the Divine Feminine.

We are a chorus of women raising the vibrations of ourselves, and of those we encounter through music of many cultures, faith practices,
and life paths.

The Idisi come together with great love, respect, and honor among ourselves as artists and access the healing properties of sonics to share that energy with as many people as we can.

Bring a prepared a cappella piece (no accompaniment) 16-28 bars long..can be simple..just need to hear you.

Audition will be a 2-3 hour process as it is a rehearsal sample with members of the group, as well as interview and vocal coaching with Director

To set up audition time, please send email to queenvalkyrie at hotmail dot com and use "Idisi" in subject line.

We are a unique bunch and are looking for more sisters to join us on the journey...waiting for you....and yes, I am looking at