Winter Solstice Celebration & Community Drum Circle
Friday, December 21, 2012 at 7pm-9pm
The wyld womyn's chorus, The Idisi, will be performing with the wyld chicas of the Bee Merry Holistic Center in Long Lake, MN.
Dayna Jean Wolter will be facilitating for their Winter Solstice Community Drum Circle, with special music by The Idisi
will be a sacred event marking the passing of the longest night, and
ushering in a new dawn of a shift in our humanity we are hopeful for
becoming the people we are born to be.
We hope you will bring your
drum, your voice, your soul and come share this powerful evening with
us....let's be strong in our communal rituals of coming together in joy
and remembering who we are.
Suggested donation at the door is $10.00, but please do not let that hinder you in joining us for a soul- to -soul connection.
Bee Merry Holistic Center
2160 Wayzata Blvd
Long Lake MN 55356
The Idisi is a gathering of women intent on singing and opening the world up to the sonic healing of the Divine Feminine. We are a chorus of women raising the vibrations of those we encounter through music of many cultures, faith practices, and life paths. The Idisi come together with great love, respect, and honor among ourselves as artists and access the healing properties of sonics to share that energy with as many people as we can. We are on a powerful journey of Joy, Love and Light.