Monday, December 12, 2011

A lovely note of support and praise from a Sexy Jesus type dude...

I first heard Idisi at an area con about a year ago. Not being a very 
spiritual type person I wasn't sure what this choir was about and not 
so sure I'd enjoy it. To put it mildly I was wonderfully surprised. I 
completely enjoyed the experience!  It was moving and wonderful,  far 
beyond toe tapping or clapping. The music covered a range of emotions 
 from elation and wonder to bliss. I've heard them twice since and 
bought the album.  I hope to hear them again soon and you should too!

From Lynn W..a wyld womyn of big heartedness

The Idisi and Me.

Come sing with The Idisi.
You'll love it here.
Whether letting out joy,
or shedding of tears.

We embrace you for you
No one can be YOU better
You'll get through it all
We'll do it together.

We sing for your happiness
We sing for your joys
We sing for your love
For girls and for boys.

We are The Idisi
We sing and we chant
You are The Idisi
because YOU CAN and not can't.

~Love Lynn W

~ from wyld womyn Fjorgyn

Last week I had a whole day off so I went into the park to look for a 
staff.  I first went into the field behind my house where there is a 
pile of brush the city hasn't cleared up yet.  I immediately found a 
perfect staff.  But I wanted a longer walk so I threw that one over the 
fence into my yard and kept looking.
There are some really beautiful paths in the park behind my house.
As I went I asked the park for guidence. It has been responsive before.  
I went to a foot bridge I know well, looking at all the trees and brush 
along the way. There were two stands of cedar on either side of the 
entrance to the bridge.  The first one was a wonderfull shelter.  Once 
in the trees it was warmer and calm.  The branches each had some 
potential but were living branches; not ideal.  I looked over at the 
other clump and didn't find them inviting but I thought, better just 
And there was my staff leaning against a trunk. 
It was dead and perfectly straight.I cut off about two feet from each end 
with a knife and sat under the bridge for an hour peeling and cleaning it up. 
Communing with the stream. It has wonderful color stripes and worm 
paths in it.
I have been reading about the healing properties of cedar. It is anti 
cancer and stimulating.  A bit toxic for daily use but there are reports 
from old men who ate a tiny piece each day and enjoyed perfect health 
into old age.  I ate a little piece myself.  I think I can still feel it 
working in me and intend to go back for a bit more.  It is also 
traditionally cleansing psychically and spiritually.  I feel like I have 
a new friend.
The first staff turned out perfect for another so YAY all around.
~a wyld womyn named Fjorgyn Verandi

from Lovecraft...a wyld womyn

I have again become aware of an uncomfortable disconnect between myself
and nature. I'm saddened that I feel so far away from the land, Gaia, and the
spirit that flows through everything. One thing for me that is an eternal source
of happiness is riding my horse. Time to contemplate, sync my spirit with
horse, earth and sky, and drink in the beauty and wonder I'm surrounded with.
I've been starting to sing while I ride. And I can't help smiling when I do. I
care less that people might hear with each ride. My horse's hoof-beats are a
metronome for songs. Peace, Salom, Shalom fits perfectly... And I feel so much
more connected, genuine, happy, on these rides lately. Multitasking that's
beneficial!? Weird. But awesome. That's my Idisi work as of late. I guess there
is a way to dig a little deeper and enjoy it along the way...

~a wyld womyn named Lovecraft

Monday, November 28, 2011

a posting from wyld woman, Finding Her Voice....

Ever walk into a room of 15+ women without feeling the tension of some sort of group drama or gossip session going on in the corner or judgement? 
Not me, not really ever, till I walked into my first rehearsal of The Idisi. 
I remember my text that day to Dayna ... "What are you going to do to me, I can't sing". She lovingly laughed and said not to worry. 
My anxiety level before walking through that door was through the roof. I walked into the room and remember feeling safe, very odd for me considering I was going to be opening my pie hole to a bunch of women I didn't know!  So many times I have walked into a female dominated enviroment and it was just saturated with judgement. 
Not this group, not these women. It is through this safe environment and with these strong and loving women, that I believe I have finally found my voice. It is definitely a journey, ongoing, exciting, and scarey. But I know that my sisters have my back.
My voice is not just one of song. Close friends, family, and my husband have all noticed a change in me. I am more confident and more vocal. I believe, now, I can do anything...and it is not decided upon success or failure, but if I had the strength and courage to try my best. And if the outcome was not what I wanted, do I have the strength to learn from it without beating myself up about it and try again...yes, I can say now I do. 
And that is a product of being apart of this group, spending time with these women, and SINGING. 
I am looking forward to seeing what other doors will open while on this journey. Even moreso, I look forward to hearing from my sisters new doors that will open for them! 
~signed, a wyld woman called Finding My Voice

Another ONLINE radio interview...yay!

Dayna Jean is doing another radio interview about The Idisi, what it takes to be a wyld womyn, and lots of other interesting factoids.

Please tune in this Wednesday, November 30th at 10PM CST to
2CoolChicks on BlogTalkRadio.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Upcoming Interview with Dayna Jean of The Idisi on Edge Talk Radio

Please spread the word for folks to tune into Edge Talk Radio show on Tuesday November 22nd from 6pm-7pm as Dayna Jean sits down at The Healing Loft in NE Mpls with Dr Katie and talks about The Idisi, sonic/sound healing, upcoming performances, and the unconventional wyld womyn she runs with.

It will be joyous!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Idisi | Chanty Whoo Ha | CD Baby

Idisi | Chanty Whoo Ha | CD Baby

....all Hail the Technological Age....


 Welcome to The Idisi's new blog...shiny!

This will be a joyous place of sharing...with any number of voices being we are wyld womyn after all.

We are looking forward to sharing our journey, lessons, trials, and blessings with as many as care to read. 

I , Dayna Jean, as Founder and Director of this chorus of womyn, am delighted to invite you to grab a cuppa, include us in your blog-o-sphere, and read all about the adventures this sisterhood as  we sing our way through the Universe.

And who knows..MAYBE, just maybe...if you are open to it...and Goddess's song calls to you in your just might find your wyld side too....

Dayna Jean