Thursday, November 3, 2011

....all Hail the Technological Age....


 Welcome to The Idisi's new blog...shiny!

This will be a joyous place of sharing...with any number of voices being we are wyld womyn after all.

We are looking forward to sharing our journey, lessons, trials, and blessings with as many as care to read. 

I , Dayna Jean, as Founder and Director of this chorus of womyn, am delighted to invite you to grab a cuppa, include us in your blog-o-sphere, and read all about the adventures this sisterhood as  we sing our way through the Universe.

And who knows..MAYBE, just maybe...if you are open to it...and Goddess's song calls to you in your just might find your wyld side too....

Dayna Jean

1 comment:

  1. I just learned about your group from Raymond Yates and can't wait to learn more and to hear you perform. :-)
